Monday, November 25, 2019


You play the newly wedded wife, Aya who just got married to Shinichirou, whom she met through work. However, after taking some time with himself, he tells Aya he only knows that he loves her. After dinner outside and making out, Shinichirou tells Aya he would come home late the next day. I should stop complaining. Gin no Kanmuri, Ao no Namida Company: By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Look, I chose to play Kamio first, remember? Diversity is understandable, all right. But in normal scenes his voice is soooooooo cool.

Then Asano just appears. You are commenting using your WordPress. They make up and HE intends to make out. Ryou-kun and Aya have been happily together until Ryou-kun asks Aya to think seriously about their affairs.

Gin no Kanmuri Ao no Namida - Zerochan Anime Image Board

Oh and your husband gets the moooost ero scenes: After some-time hesitation, Aya accepts his proposal. Aya decides to go back home. Ryou-kun takes Aya to his place not so far from the scene. However, after taking some time with himself, he tells Aya he only knows that he loves her. But judging from your review this game is much better. You are commenting using your Facebook account. I really enjoyed listening to the background music. Aya and Shinichirou do talk like adults.

Posted by aznkeo on August 13, https: The cut is quite serious and they gim to take care of it immediately. They can still be going out together only with conditions.

The CGs are also beautifully drawn. That final 3P CG is to die for!

[Otome Game Review] Gin no Kanmuri, Ao no Namida

After dinner outside and making out, Shinichirou tells Aya he would come home late the next day. But the 3P route kind of lightens the whole game up. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is too much for me. WTH is happening here!?

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. As for the routes, most of them are really good done and I think I can understand the heroine somehow… It can be hard to be faithful, especially in this setting: As she can use her cell again, Aya calls the hotel and tells the manager she quits.

Gin no Kanmuri, Ao no Namida – DimDawn あかつき*

Some time later he calls her on the phone and Aya admits that without him, she feels lonely. And Shinichirou DID look scary. Aya kisses them both. Because of his work, Shinichirou rarely stays home. Asano also tells Aya how Shinichirou sent all his bodyguards to protect her instead and left none for himself. He and his cello pass the audition and Aya secretly cheers for him at the hall in the following round.

Asano might be seeing Aya only when Shinichirou is away for work, and strictly not flirting in his presence.

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